Convert your Breath into Medicine by adopting to ShwaasPathy
{Agrsen K'ngres a non fund based NGO on the mission of implementing Globalisation thru' ShwaasPathy, Paryavaran and Technology}
Dear sir,
Awareness about ShwaasPathy, to improve mental and physical work efficiency
I was advised by few teachers to write to you for the benefit of theyounger generation coming to schools.
Me Prof. Krishnansh Ashwani Agarwal, Janak, Naveen samay Chakr: and Janak, ShwaasPathy and Embedded Technology guru, Co-ordinator Agrsen K'ngres an NGO engaged in Imparting training on ShwaasPathy, the ultimate process to live healthy and Improves work efficiency at both physical and mental levels. Results are measurable in terms of Lungs Efficiency in Shunkhs.
This program of 3 days. 1 hr. daily can bring in 5 to 15% improvement. we have already done more than 80 camps of ShwaasPathy across the country.
In case you ive us some time, we can demonstrate the concept to you in person.
thanking you.
ETPO Art Gallery501/32-33 Nehru PlaceNew Delhi 19
Thanx, we do free camps at the organisers place across the globe. The organiser has to collect people on a fix date. Our team will visit and Do the camp on ShwaasPathy. It is for 2 hrs. and then the person has to practice of his own.
1 camp costs us about 2,500/- + conveyance + boarding & Lodging if outside Delhi.
Regular paid workshops of 6 to 8 seat capacity are organised at Nehru Place New Delhi.
Next workshop planned is on 15 Dec. 2008Charges are Rs. 2100/- per person.3 days for 2 hrs. per day.
A lecture on Next Orbit of Life is also organised.
The Classes are taken by Prof. Agarwal himself at Nehru Place.
Regn to be done atleast 10 days. in advance.
Improvement is measured in terms of Lungs Efficiency in Shunkhs.