Thursday, September 25, 2008
Materialistic World
We keep hearing this statement that today the world is materialistic so we are forced to do things, which may not be healthy to the society in general. Obviously you are also a part of the society, hence bound to loose or get affected due to that act.
I, as usual took up this task of understanding and putting it across to the society with correct perspective took up this assignment and started my research, of course with my Samay_Chakr: team. First thing we found that the entire universe is made-up of material known or un-known so why we have to talk of something which is so obvious. Our earlier era say at the time of Ramayan: or Mahabharat or even earlier than that the material existed and we had much advanced and wonderful systems existed which were not harmful to the universe in any way and used to give perfect service at the same time zero inconvenience to others including user, viz. transport system, fuel used, telepathy last stage of communication development, encoding, health monitoring (Diagnostic thru’ Naadi) and repairs etc. to name a few.
In fact the earlier era’ was much more materialistic but ensuring no harm to any part of the society. And today also if the Direction of development is changed then not only development cycle will improve but also no part of the society will be harmed.
The most important parameter we found different is the collection of the fuel in wrong direction. Mostly earlier the material used to produce anything, even fuel was used and systems developed from the material available on the surface of the earth i.e. no distortion to the mother earth by digging deep etc. done. Mother earth gives enough on the surface itself, which can be used to make all kinds of systems and fuels required to have best materialistic life style.
Another thing we have understood is that in earlier era the development was done by the people who understood self first and then the people around them and then the other praani (Species viz. animals, Birds, worms etc.) The basic understanding of material and the functionality of the system required with whatever is available on the surface of the earth visible directly or by increasing the Eligibility (ability) to understand things and atmosphere well. Understanding of self really opens horizons, which are not visible with eyes having 6/6 vision but to be improved towards seeing the unseen things which is not possible with additional instruments viz. lens etc because the material used to fabricate these add on systems have very large size molecules so have limitations but the material in the human brain available has everything desired or required to improve the vision without any external aid.
I still feel if rather than going for add on instruments to understand things, one should try to get into the development of the instruments given to each of us individually and then develop materialistic world. Rest assured that this materialistic world would be much more beautiful and will never do any harm to anyone in the society as a whole. We do have all the references available to be followed to achieve perfect rather than fighting in the direction of SURVIVAL of the FITTEST, and unable to reach anywhere.
References Survival of the Fittest
Bhaartiya Sanskriti Ki Embedded Technology
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Big-Bang Theory based on KRD Technology
Theory of BLACK-HOLE verified using
Samay_Chakr:, KRD Technology of 10 Dimensions
By Prof. Krishnansh Ashwani Agarwal
Refer to the earlier article on “Theory of Big-Bang verified” and this conveys that the big bang is nothing but actually the destruction of seed to give birth to a tree/plant providing fruits to the society. Now its society’s free will whether to take advantage of the fruits or cut the tree and try to destroy the seed provider because each fruit on that tree contains seeds either single viz. mango etc. or multiple nos. viz. orange etc. of course one seed gives one tree but tree returns many more times the no. of seeds. Finally most of them are used by the society for the benefit and very few are used as seeds to grow next generation. Here this explains the theory of black-hole.
Seed got destroyed and given birth to a fruitful tree, also the fruit contains the seed with almost all the original properties of the destroyed seed. This explains that a big-bang destroyed but due to the black-hole created the same thing (Seed) again.
e @ Time Clock museum & Research Centre New Delhi have arrived on the above mentioned theory. And we are sure that at least Technologists will understand this logically in right direction.
Why this is very important to understand the above and in this direction?
Actually this will make one understand the process of creation and destruction in right direction so that development can move only in useful direction for the entire society as a whole on earth and no time is wasted other-wise.
Seed is nothing but a BIOS contains complete information and the process of the PRAANI (Approx. 84 Lacs type of seeds exists) but is a waste if the routines of the BIOS are not executed in right direction. Because if a wrong routine is executed at the time of executing other one then it is called VIRUS. And virus will only infect the Praani (Ref Article Virus creation – a negativity in the society). The destruction of the seed is done by a specific force described as agni, Vaayu and Jal. Of course the other supportive elements viz. Prithvi & Akaash may be there. Use of all these in auto mode ensures the execution of the routines present in BIOS logically in Right Direction. And disturbing this execution process will definitely initiates the virus, which ultimately will harm the society if not entire but definitely the largest section of the society.
With the Big bang theory the Satyug starts and with Black-hole theory the Kaliyug Ends. This way the process of the CYCLE of the SRISHTI is set.
After Mahabhaarat in the mid of the King Parixhit kaal Kaliyug started, but was given a space at very limited places viz. gambling dens etc. But towards the end of Parixhit era and taken over by King Janamajay, Kaliyug spreaded its wings all around (Ref article Yugs, all about them).
The Golden Period of Kaliyug has already started from 1st of 3rd Bhraman of Samay chakr: i.e. 18th April, 2008, i.e. Mahaveer Jayanti 2008. Also from this day SHWASPATHY the process of Repair/Healing was given to society ref ShwasPathy, the complete healing process, which ensures the increase of immunization strength and lungs efficiency, which in turn improves working efficiency and gives right direction to the thought process. This means the execution of the Black-hole routine has already started. Experience of earlier yugs shows that there is no escape but to fall in line. The best method to enjoy this golden period is to shift your bent of mind towards technology in right direction. Wasting time in re-entering in the third dimension of technology called Nano technology, which is obsolete because already people are working on 5th, 6th, 7th etc. dimensions. Infact samay_Chakr: is based on 10 dimension technology termed as KRD Technology of 10 Dimensions. And it seems the process of creation of srishti was done using KRD Technology of 10 Dimension and also the end of the cycle has reached the same place but moved forward one cycle.
Lets us understand this very carefully and stop resisting because there is no choice available.
K Karne wala
R Rakhne wala
D Dene wala
No. 9 is purnank and
No. 10 is the YOG of 1 (Shakti) with Shunya: (seed).
(Ref article Yog, also
article Female, the most powerful character on earth)
Contact for the copy of other articles.
Time Clock Museum & Research Centre New Delhi
Friday, September 5, 2008
JYOTIGYAN, a 2 yrs. Training rogram launched by ETG Bhaarat
Knowledge, which ILLUMINATES
(V – Verify, E – Employ & Enjoy, D – Daily Basis)
A Training Program of ETG Bhaarat
Coordinator to the program Ms. Seema Agarwal (09811654149)
Duration :- 2 Yrs (6 Trimesters) Batch Size 10 or 40
Min. qualification 12th pass with experience and knowledge of INTERNET Surfing & Email chatting.
Preference graduation from any discipline
Min. age 19 yrs.
Classes : - 2Hrs / Day, 3 Days / Week
Training/ Case study 2 times during the program
Details of the Program
Understanding the concept of Natural Calamities Unit I 1st Trimester
Type of Calamities
Caused by what parameters
What is early Warning?
Relation with early warning
Introduction to Lungs Efficiency
Training/Case Study 2nd Trimester
Understanding the Internet of Brahmaand Unit II 3rd Trimester
Connectivity in the universe
How to feel pulse of self & Others
Introduction of Samay_Chakr:
Understanding of all the directions of Samay_Chakr: Unit III 4th Trimester
How is real life reflected by Samay_Chakr: unit III ½ of 5th trimester
How Samay_Chakr: helps in estimation
Training / Case Study Unit IV 6th Trimester
Institutes Supporting
ETPO, New Delhi
Fee Structure Registration Fee: (Check with the institute)
Fee per Unit : -
Distance Learning Program also available
Study Material provided by : - Ambedded System Training Institute, New Delhi. Any reference book needed will have to be arranged by the student, however Internet may give enough information.
FeedBack recd from NID, ahmedabad on Seminar By Prof. Agarwal

Now we have requested the hon. President to extend support to promote ShwaasPathy, the ultimate healing process for the Benifit of the entire GLOBAL SOCIETY because we Bhaaratiye's are in every nook and corner of the earth